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Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

Hi everyone, first post here. I have a few retro systems that I have collected over the years, which I will get around to showing individually down the track. But here is my current XP setup: AOPEN HQ08 Full Tower and 300Watt PS Gigabyte 6VXC7-4X Motherboard and PIII933 256 GB PC133 SDRam Creative …

Re: 3D print topic?

Made a 5.25" bezel to house 2 USB connectors (Bulgin PX0843/a which can be separated from the big, round housing and plug in here) Anyone in luck finding some beige PLA filament? Or is painting still the way to go. I'll share both STL and Fusion files, if anybody wants (it could be ½-1 mm narrower, …

Re: Windows 10 (general use and browsing) is it better to have a CPU with more cores or more MHz?

400 tabs? Did I read that right? Chrome grinds to a halt with 30 tabs and 16 GB RAM on my i7 6700K on a high end board (Maximus VIII Hero). I have a fixed size paging file of 2GB on an nvme drive, which is good enough for everything else. I have more than 100 open in Chrome, but less than 200. No …

Re: New forum suggestions/Feedback

in Milliways
I was recently banned for not having a reachable email address. It turned out to be a short glitch on my provider's server as I am still using the same email now. Could there be like an extra attempt some minutes or maybe hours later before banning? It can't be the only email server ever having a …

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