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Re: Should a Diamond Speedstar Pro (CL-GD5426) work in Win3.1 in 286 real-mode?

Sorry Grzyb. I was thinking real-mode and standard mode were synonyms but you're right. I had forgotten that. So you're confident the ATI Mach8 would work in standard mode? Lol, I guess I am finding 286 "inconvenient." Some of that's to be expected, as I'm at-home with any 386+ architecture but this …

Re: Should a Diamond Speedstar Pro (CL-GD5426) work in Win3.1 in 286 real-mode?

OK Grzyb, yes, I know there's no 286-specific mode for Win 3.1. I believe I called it "Win3.1 in real mode" but yes I was referring to standard mode. I do like your suggestion of the Mach8/32. Those were some of the cards I looked at as alternatives. Jo22, I did try EMU386 but it didn't help in this …

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