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Re: The Incredible Machine 3 CD Audio

in Windows
Older CDROM drives had a physical play sor skip button on the front that could play cd's without any software (like a normal cd player). If you have one of those you could see if it does anything. If not, I think there aren't any tracks on there. At least not in the CD format. Maybe the music is on …

Re: Windows 7 Risk

in Milliways
However, when something happens with an online transaction / you get phished / "hacked" and your bank or the store in question notices you run an OS that no longer is supported they might have the right to deny paying you any damages (even when your outdated OS isn't to blame). No, they don't. Quit …

Re: 3D games you would like to see in high resolution

in Milliways
I hoped that Night Dive would also do a remake of Terra Nova after they did System Shock.. so far nothing, sadly. TN:SFC likely has to be rigorously reverse engineered before something like this could even happen. I don't think any actual source code for the game exists as far as I know Night Dive …

Re: Why isn't there a 8086 PC remake?

in Milliways
If it comes to simplicity of the pcb design and the still available parts, it's much easier to make new 8088 systems. 8086 are rarer and more complex. And the actual real world difference between a 8088 and 8086 is quite small, so it's not really a good pick if I had to design and sell a retro pc.

Re: AWE64 Gold to MT-32 PI - Is this possible?

You're correct that such a Gravis breakout box is the best solution to your problem. I still see them pop up on market sites sometimes. Connected to a Roland Um-one and it should work fine with your MT32 Pi. I dont think the breakout box is anything fancy, though. I bet you could make your own …

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