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Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
I'll keep my 2006 Toyota Tacoma (and the C5 z06 Corvette I plan to buy) until I'm too old to drive or until I die, whichever comes first. ...or until it breaks beyond repairs. It's already 16 years old - is it still as reliable as a new car? Sure, it's perfectly possible to use even a >100 y.o. car …

Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
180 limit is reasonable, because car crashes are a thing. Really? What's the ratio of crashes that occur at >180 km/h? I guesstimate like 0.000001% of total crashes. And even those crashes that occur AT greater speeds are not necessarily CAUSED by such speed. By your logic, the most reasonable …

Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
I'm with you in that cars shouldn't be limited to 180. They shouldn't be limited at all. If the car can physically do it, it should be able to do it Well, there's one problem: WARRANTY. It isn't terribly difficult to make a car that can go 300 km/h, but making a car that can frequently achieve such …

Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
People are "Sheeple" because they obey laws and regulations? =) Primarily, they are sheeple because they tolerate laws they DON'T obey. But also that they fend of the Big One: a mandatory electronic backseat driving nanny that records your every move in the car. Its coming for sure, but not yet. I …

Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
Also 180 km/h is way faster then the max speed-limit in any country I can think of except unrestricted autobahn. Oh yeah, and the speed limits, completely detached from reality. NOBODY obeys them! One would think that in a democratic country, it's impossible to impose a law that nobody obeys... ... …

Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
BMW did that for a long time, only they limited them to 250km/h. Actually, the 250 km/h (or thereabouts) limit is common in many brands. And this is not much of a problem - hard to find a road where it's possible to drive faster anyway, and it would severely impact car's reliability. 180 km/h, …

Re: Cars now have micro-transactions!

in Milliways
Spyware (a.k.a. eCall) built into every new car... Volvo artificially limiting their cars to 180 km/h... Probable ban on petrol/diesel cars, to force people into buying electric poor excuses for cars... There's plenty of retarded ideas, and very little resistance. Sheeple are sheeple.

Re: DOS on a modern PC

in DOS
MS-DOS 6.22 is limited to 8 GB of disk space, divided into 2 GB partitions. I want more, therefore MS-DOS 7.10 - seems more compatible than FreeDOS...

DOS on a modern PC

in DOS
I'm thinking about building a modern PC especially for DOS... So, what do I need? FreeDOS still seems problematic... so, the recommended version would be MS-DOS 7.10 from Windows 98SE, right? What's the maximum usable disk size? Is there any additional software necessary, like some HIMEM/EMM386 …

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