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Re: My first DOS build

Today I bought P200, but I realized I have no cooler :) P75 I have now has glued passive one so I have to find something. Maybe this could help? http://www.akasa.com.tw/search.php?seed=AK-210 It comes with adhesive thermal tape... I also bought S3 Virge DX 4MB and put it into my PC. Everything works …

Re: What are you eating/drinking? (the vogons food thread)

in Milliways
I was repairing a fence today. After each plank painted I picked up a peach from the tree and ate it. There were 28 planks. I think that one day I am going to turn into a big giant peach. Last month I reaped almost 200 kilograms of apricots [didn't eat all of them ;)] and september will be dedicated …

Re: 1440p monitors and scaling lower resolutions

in Milliways
It would be like smaller 18" display. 1600*1200 should be better (21" probably). And you will be still able to stretch the picture while preserving aspect ratio. It's not that bad as it used to be. For me it's still better than additional display.

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