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Re: MiG Alley

in Windows
I have not tried Pentium. I am using my Ryzen 3600 to emulate the K6-2 300 and a Voodoo 3 card. All flights sims and games that I have thrown at it (F-22 ADF, Jane's F-15, Mig Alley, European Air War, Heavy Gear 2) have worked flawlessly at full speed with everything maxed out. What do you consider …

Re: MiG Alley

in Windows
I have not tried Pentium. I am using my Ryzen 3600 to emulate the K6-2 300 and a Voodoo 3 card. All flights sims and games that I have thrown at it (F-22 ADF, Jane's F-15, Mig Alley, European Air War, Heavy Gear 2) have worked flawlessly at full speed with everything maxed out.

Re: MiG Alley

in Windows
Just follow this tutorial here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ro3nvM4HSBcn … KQMxNu0Wtu/view Once it it is setup, I can explain how to change to the configuration I have.

Re: MiG Alley

in Windows
I have been able to run Mig Alley PERFECTLY on PCEM v17. Host computer has a AMD Ryzen 3600 and an Nvidia 1660Ti. I configured the PCEM system as follows: Windows 98 Voodoo 3 video card AMD K6-2 300 CPU 32GB of RAM DirectX 7 installed The game ran at 100% speed at 1280X960 resolution on all settings …

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