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Re: How about a MR-BIOS ROM file repository?

Does anyone know the HDD size limit on these late MR BIOS BIOSes? :) MR BIOSes don't have the "good old" 504MB limit issue. Maybe also no 30GB issue. In practice, with MR BIOS, you don't worry about this any more. :) Well, if you have version 1.6 and later, yes. It’s all good. If you have version …

Re: Suicidal behaviour: Going into Windows 11

in Milliways
Windows 8 had some dramatic improvements to the speed of file copying activities. I upgraded from Vista Ultimate to Windows 8 pretty much exclusively for that, and it was a very big quality of life improvement! Ok, I agree that the file transfers got more robust if you were using the GUI to move …

Re: Suicidal behaviour: Going into Windows 11

in Milliways
Windows 11 is such a clunker. How the heck will Win12 look/run at this point? At least with Win8, they tried to make it perform better. Whoah! Not sure how those clunky Win8 "universal apps" improved performance. And I still have PTDS from trying to work the Server 2012 GUI from a touch pad over …

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