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While I'm playing SQ4 in DOSBox after a while the game closes and goes to the DOSBox main screen and says: OUT OF HANDLES! SCRIPT #:0, IP:e7 Does anyone know how this happens and how I can prevent it? Thanks.

Re: SPACE QUEST 4 Can't Save My Game

SQ4 works fine here. Read-only doesn't matter since when you create a new savegame it creates a new file which doesn't have read-only applied (obviously). Try checking permissions on the directory and using the latest CVS. I'm not sure what you mean by checking permissions or CVS. I have the CD …

SPACE QUEST 4 Can't Save My Game

I just intalled DOSBox today and I got it to play Space Quest 4 by running it off the CD (it wouldn't let me run it off the HD). Now when I try to save my game it won't let me it says the specified directory is full or some crap. I tried changing the directory but it won't work. Anyone know what to …

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