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Re: Cheap but well performing PCI 3D video cards

I'd second looking for a G200 or G450 PCI (sometimes listed as 7003-03) as well, just to keep the option open -- Matrox's relative obscurity these days outside hospitals and hobbyists seems to keep it relatively cheap; about $30 for a PCI G450 here in the US taking a quick look on eBay as the …

Re: What games did you become really good at?

I've gotten to a point in SimCity 2000 where I can make a city sustain myself. Godlike compared to 11 year old me. I also feel like I can fluently move around in Quake and Half-Life, and enjoy them for the movement, even if I'm still terrible at deathmatch.

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

Is it Cyrix or AMD? And is that good or bad posting? Because I talk a significant amount of smack about both amd64 and my current cell phone, which would likely make them some of my more talked about topics. To be honest, I'm ambivalent towards 99% of SIs/OEMs of the day. I suppose I dislike Compaq …

Re: Other hobbies?

I want to learn 3D animation; I can model, just not rig. I also like cooking and baking. And I've been trying to learn the D programming language for a few years now; I wouldn't say I'm a master but I've gotten a few programs finished.

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

Went to check the prices of Radeon Pro W6600s, did some updated number-crunching on how much I need for the Raptor Blackbird motherboard and associated IBM 02CY297 because I'm moving soon, then watched some YouTube. Probably going to go sleep soon to a video about cooking or something. I usually …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

Excel. I put way more hours on my CRTs with my modern boxes (i5-2400/i5-6600K) than I ever have with my older hardware, and that isn't looking to change as I look for a second 19" CRT and a good DisplayPort to VGA adapter that'll output 10bpc video from a Radeon RX 570 (and, in the future, a Pro …

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