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Re: Dosbox and Alien Trilogy

ok so i admit my 'cd' copy is just a data iso but i managed to rip the .img file into a .BIN .CUE and I can imgmount this and run the game and I can get the music playing but no cutscenes as long as i don't use the default directory c:\acclaim\trilogy. however if you suggest buying the original cd I …

Re: Dosbox and Alien Trilogy

ok so I tried to extract the .bin and .cue from an ISO I already had like it said in the link. The program I used was UltraISO which is good for stuff like this. Although it didn't seem to be able to extract a .bin .cue straight from the cd. When I try and start the game I open dosbox then IMGMOUNT …

Re: Dosbox and Alien Trilogy

I guess what I am saying is that I had this working. I tried using the .BIN .CUE format like it said in the link but I can't get that to work either. So if anyone can make sense of the above I'll be interested to know (Please note I didn't originally have a .BIN file when i got it working)

Dosbox and Alien Trilogy

I am Trying to install and run Alien Trilogy with dosbox. The game installs and works fine with dosbox and a few settings adjustments but I want to add the cutscenes for the original feel of the game. . I have a copy of the game cd (iso cd copy) and I am also using IMGMOUNT commands. with a normal …

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