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Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Some day now, probably in the year 2525, some old guy will log on to vogons and create a thread about how they made a new utility called VesaEmu :)) In the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive, They may find: a wonderful VESAFIX DOS utility for borked vBIOS code, much as 2023 saw …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

The test program included (Display Doctor 6.53 for DOS) recognizes the name of the chipset and says that supposedly it's VBE 1.2 compatible. But when going to the actual tests, they either don't run or crash. All 4-bit modes tests for instance won't start, and several 8-bit modes tests crash part …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Anyway, I added an optional numeric argument to hdpmi's -x option, working as "right shift" factor, so -x still restricts mem to 256mb, but -x1 changes that to 128mb, -x2 to 64mb and so on... System Shock is happy with -x2. Had to notice, however, that there are games that won't be cheated so …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Indeed it doesn't. With no SBEMU loaded, and sound disabled (otherwise it complains "can't find FM chip") indeed Duke3D ends up in that same blank screen. The same may happen with the other games that get a blank screen when launched in my tests above (Dune and Dune2) on this machine. They all work …

Re: FYI: Steam drops Win7/8/8.1 in 2024

in Milliways
Hacks exist for many individual games, hacks that entirely eliminate the necessity of even installing Steam. The cracks for the games must be downloaded individually. If Steam isn't required any more, the games should than magically run even under Windows 7 / 8.1 with appropriate cracks which strip …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

That's even more interesting. These little tools just set/reset the PVI bit in CR4. In theory this should have no effect at all in v86-mode. So if the screen goes blank just by running SETPVI.EXE, it's a pretty weird system... ( btw, doom requires setpvi.exe, not respvi.exe ). This is an important …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Not just Intel, according to the source code of MPXPlay, it also supports some SIS VIA boards, and ATI/nVidia (possibly HDMI sound through graphics cards), and Creative devices. Hence, my original confusion with HDA (High definition audio) and IHD (Intel High Definition audio). Mpxplay identified …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

My question is: has anybody successfully ever run MPXPLAY with ES1371 hardware ( Ensoniq AudioPCI or any of the AudiioPCI-based SB cards )? An interesting question. Nearly 20 years ago, I had an AudioPCI (physical PCI-based sound card, using ES1371 chipset, re-labled as Sound Blaster 128) plugged …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Can someone try Cubic Player / Open Cubic Player, please? In my case (Asus EEE netbook) playback works, but the screen is erratically jumping up&down and text is outputed ("trapcli pushf pop ax 0246 0246") I tried it, reported in the other thread. My setup: HDA audio, /A220 /I5 /D1 /H5 /T6 /K44100. …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Just noticed another oddity with Duke Nukem 2, after about a minute of play on here, the PCM audio stopped working and now there's only OPL3 emulation and adlib sounds. This happened for me also. I think it has to do with Duke 2 using ADPCM sound (compressed) samples. I found this post on VOGONS …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Were i can find Jason Brooks DOS utilities? I searched the web and find nothing. Can you please share the link? I'm very sorry. I misremembered. The author I was thinking about is Jason Hood. He has a very good, small CD-ROM DOS driver here: http://adoxa.altervista.org/shsucdx/index.html and other …

Re: percentage of old PCs and components that are saved?

in Milliways
I know, it's not an solution to this problem, but.. If everything fails, there's still an FPGA implementation of a 80486 core. It could be expanded to Pentium level, perhaps. https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/ao486_MiSTer That way, there will still be "real" hardware to tinker with in the future. For …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

And I get no sound when get this pattern on snes ZSNES, it just locks. Once with one of the combinations I got a vertically rolling pattern, that was even more beautiful :) ZSNES uses cwsdpmi, maybe that's the reason. However I found it was zyzzle who ran ZSNES successfully. What kind of system do …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

in Milliways
I just beat the old 1997 Finnish DOS game Aleshar: World of Ice. It's one of the hardest, yet most satisfying RPGs I've ever played. Totally unique. Yet could have been so much better and more varied. I'm sorry the company didn't market the game -- or their creative talent skills better.

Re: percentage of old PCs and components that are saved?

in Milliways
Apart from PCs, there are many things which face the wrath of obsolescence. Cars have a limited road life due to changes in environmental regulations and increased Repairs. Most importantly space. This a point, although I don't know how truly valid it is. How much of that obsolescence is "planned …

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