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Re: 2004 Condition Zero resolution limit?

What about OpenGL mode? I remember old versions of the engine having issues with strange (for the time) resolutions in software mode. Not sure about -heapsize, but I'm sure there was a lot of advice written for games in general regarding various tweaks by people that didn't have the actual …

Re: 2004 Condition Zero resolution limit?

11gb is probably a tad high for a probably 32bit game that can only address 4gb Max. Try something less silly like 2gb 2,147,483,648 2,147,483,648 gives that it cant allocate 88 bytes. 2,147,483,649 gives that it can't allocated 2048942 bytes 2,147,483,647 gives that it can't allocate -0.00 MB Edit …

Re: 2004 Condition Zero resolution limit?

A negative number would suggest a signed integer/float overflow. Eg if a value was 8 bits, and it was signed (ie it can have a SIGN showing +/-), then it would be effectively 7 bits. -127 to +127 If you then gave it an 8 bit number, say 157 it would hit +127, tick over to -127 and add 19 to that, …

Re: 2004 Condition Zero resolution limit?

Try loading with the parameter: -heapsize 2331984 Bad luck here Edii: i consider everyone else to know better than me with the game commands. The game issues a "No masters loaded, using default master", usually before level loads. But on my machines it happens mid match, causing it to freeze. Do …

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