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Re: Vooodoo differences?

Yes so originally I bought a 6MB voodoo 1 card. The reason was that A) it matches the era better and B) it avoids any problems. Now that I've learned that there actually aren't that many problems and seemingly all can be avoided I thought the v2 might be a better option. The MMX range came out in …

Re: Vooodoo differences?

Ok... perhaps I can get a bit more advice here. I am happy to use D3D cards where a game runs as well in D3D as anything else so my use of Voodoo is just for games where Voodoo is best. Previously I had come to a (I think the wrong) conclusion that the voodoo 1 was the best thing for me. I'm now …

Re: Vooodoo differences?

I've been using a KVM for video output, I like knowing when it's the 2D or 3D card outputting video. I am now reasonably sure I've settled on what I want... I want a Voodoo 2 because I want to have separate 2D and 3D cards.

Vooodoo differences?

Other than the memory size and voodoo type, is there any meaningful difference between manufacturers? In other words if I'm looking for a 12MB voodoo 2 do I need to take into account which manufacturer made it?

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

I'll definitely be getting one of these. I hope lots and lots of people do so that there's good knowledge of how to get everything working on it. I'm no expert at all on GUS but it seems there's some footering about that needs to be done!

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