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Re: If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
I'm much more concerned about the future. Cloud shit, rolling release Windows, digital only games can easily kill retro gaming on contemporary hardware. GoG is light in the darkness with its DRM free library you can archive and play offline, but not everything releases there. 20 years from now when …

Re: If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
the price curve, where the price gets to almost giveaway then slowly climbs and then suddenly skyrockets - the journey from old to vintage - it interests me, there's probably a huge (wasteful) period of throwing away of stuff just at that low point and then a few years later the surviving hardware …

Re: Ruined memory of an old game by playing it!

in DOS
whilst I appreciate that old graphics often look poor, whether its PS1 3d games or DOS on a non CRT screen, the effect of that diminishes quickly and the game quality / playability stands out. Same with modern games, they can look good but play poorly such that no amount of graphics can save them …

Re: GTA 3D

in Milliways
i like both! the gta 1 in 3d looks almost unplayable though! however the gta advance mapped onto gta3 looks ok to me i'm shocked gta 3 is going to be 20 years old this year! I played it again from start to finish a few months ago and it was still as good as ever, i always wanted the PS2 '..stories' …

Re: If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
If I'm not mistaken, "retro" means something along the lines of "imitation". I.e. something that was popular in the past made a comeback. I guess fashion is the most obvious example. So, retro doesn't mean "old", it means it's new but mimicking something from the past. This would mean that in …

Re: If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
I think it's prices. Thing get cheaper and cheaper and cheaper as they become obsolete. Then at some point get more expensive as they become "vintage". I'm not sure if Athlon 64/Pentium 4 systems are "vintage" yet in that regard. Just built one, and it was way cheaper than the SS7 system I built. …

Re: If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
CONSOLES To me, consoles really don't become "vintage" to anyone other than the group that grew up with them. I was watching a video with Pat the NES Punk a few days ago discussing how the Gamecube is the #1 most populare retro-console right now. One thing discussed in his video was how the Atari …

Re: If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
retro does not have a specific year attached to it for me, the way computers worked in 2006 is pretty much the same as today, so there is nothing fundamentally different about them apart from being slower. but once you go to the early 2000s and before, computers were a lot more "diverse" so to say, …

If we were to accept 15 years ago as retro....

in Milliways
... then here are a couple of anniversaries coming this year intel core 2 (july 2006) Playstation 3 (november 2006) the question of how many years ago something needs to be in order to be 'retro' is subjective and contextual (15 year old PC might be, 15 years old office building not so) nevertheless …

Re: Ruined memory of an old game by playing it!

in DOS
I seem to end up playing Doom or Doom 2 about once a year, That inital first half hour it looks like big blocky mess till I adjust and get used to it again. I find alot of games especially dos games I can only play for about an hour at a time before getting bored with it unlike all those years ago …

Re: A tale of two 486s

shame about that 2nd PC, it could be all kinds of things - damage to the motherboard, failed capacitors and so on - hopefully it rings a bell with someone on this forum and they can give you some tips the first pc sounds great though, especially for your intended use and somewhat upgradeable …

Re: Looking for childhood game

in Windows
i too find this kind of thing fun! I am imagining in this case a limited volume published game or a small shareware game from around 1993 - it just sounds a bit like a game from the halloween harry, jill of the jungle era. to the OP, I hope someone recognises it from your description!

Re: Ruined memory of an old game by playing it!

in DOS
sometimes it's not the game as such but the nostalgia that disappears upon replays irksome controls that once were acceptable, the inability to jump in some FPS games, being unable to skip animations and so on moreover there was a kind of ignorance one had about games when younger, beliefs that were …

Re: 1997 Pentium MMX Rebuild

a very nice maxxed P1! i have a P1 mmx 166mhz with 64mb of glorious edo ram! I'd recommend doubling the ram if you can, but to be honest your PC as it is can run window 3.1, 95 or 98 and masses of dos and early windows games just fine as it is great components, mine has only the basics (2mb graphics …

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