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Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
But it's not only the PC hardware that can barely keep up with the jump to 4k! Where I live, the terrestrial TV stations have only just moved to HD, with some still broadcasting in SD AFAIK. True 4k content can only be found online via streaming or on UHD Bluray discs, which isn't the most popular …

Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

I picked up this gateway yesterday. It's a pentium 75, 28MB ram. From a collector standpoint it came with the original monitor, keyboard, software+drivers CDs and disks and instructions and other literature that I guess came with it originally. It seems the og OS was windows 95 but the previous …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
My biggest pet peeve with screen resolution in the computer realm is that EVERYTHING is now 16:9 ratio. That's fine for movies, but for me it's very bad for computer stuff. I grew up on 4:3 from the '70s - the 2000s. Yes i'd like a choice, 'widescreen' works well enough for a lot of work and games …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
I can't do multi monitor so the best option for me actually is 4K. A single 3840x2160 monitor is literally 4 1920x1080 screens rolled into one. I have more than enough screen real-estate to keep a eye on my Twitch chat, OBS, the game I'm playing and whatever MIDI system I need to have in use. …

Re: Xbox 360 Marketplace closing

in Milliways
sounds like they announced it in good time anyway, i guess there will be ways to back up downloads. to be honest, much as some of the games are good whenever i see a newer console being used it seems to require updates constantly. that put me off ever buying one. i suppose at some future point the …

Re: Do you think prices will stay high?

in Milliways
Hah, I've challenged ppl before on the use of words like "OBO" "Mint" etc, and got back snotty replies like "It's just what you say on a for sale listing, it doesn't really mean much, don't you know anything?" like I'm the dumbass. edit: You even catch some crazy shit like "Light wear and minor …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
it isn't. I'll still happily watch stuff on a standard def TV. Not that I watch much on the TV anymore. most my viewing is youtube videos, sometimes old TV shows that look like VHS quality and I'm fine with that. Computer side of things I'll just go with whatever the native resolution is. Aspect …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
Same goes for phone screens: pushing extra pixels takes a faster gpu and goes at the cost of battery power. And battery reliability is the number one criterium for a mobile device to me. Also don't like all the ridiculous ai upscaling of movies for 4k tvs, to produce an image that never existed, …

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