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Re: Missing conventional memory

Thank you for providing those screenshots. Run the Microsoft Diagnostics (MSD.EXE) and take a look at the memory map. Does it say anything is using the first 8K or the last 8K in the conventional memory area? Another tool that may be helpful if you can get it is the Quarterdeck Manifest diagnostics …

Re: Missing conventional memory

Is that 631K total? Or 631k available? DOS itself needs memory to run, which includes IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, as well as the command interpreter. A plain install will not be loading DOS into the HMA, so it must be loaded low into the 640K area. Use MEM /C /P to see a breakdown of what is consuming …

Re: Missing conventional memory

Is that 631K total? Or 631k available? DOS itself needs memory to run, which includes IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, as well as the command interpreter. A plain install will not be loading DOS into the HMA, so it must be loaded low into the 640K area. Use MEM /C /P to see a breakdown of what is consuming …


You're already reaching speeds well above PIO. Programmed Input/Output (PIO) has 5 modes: Mode 0: 3.3MB/s Mode 1: 5.2 MB/s Mode 2: 8.3 MB/s Mode 3: 11.1 MB/s Mode 4: 16.7 MB/s UltraDMA picks up where PIO leaves off: Mode 0: 16.7 MB/s Mode 1: 25 MB/s Mode 2: 33.3 MB/s Mode 3: 66.7 MB/s Mode 4: 100 MB …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
Security levels and account controls where present in the NT line way before Vista. The UAC is something different, and not really unrelated. Although Vista introduces the "Vista Security Model" in which an Administrator doesn't run programs with admin rights by default, but only if they said 'yes' …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
That's not a security feature, not really. It still relies on the user to be one (or not). Only if you're looking at it from the perspective of someone who has local administrator rights to your own machine, I agree. And for most home users, it was a bad implementation that only served to bother …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
I also think Win Vista wasn't that horrible -- it's just consumer's computers of that time which were mostly designed with XP or even older OS in mind. I like the added security features Yeah everyone loved being asked for permission every time you wanted to run a program or move the mouse. 😁 …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
Contrary to popular belief, it's very stable, provided you don't install weird crap and/or bad drivers. I also think Win Vista wasn't that horrible -- it's just consumer's computers of that time which were mostly designed with XP or even older OS in mind. I actually prefer Vista over XP. The …

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