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Dual AMD K6 computer

Found a post where a guy claimed to see one in the wild, evidence is low but he claims it was a dual socket 5 or 7 AT board using socket adapters with k6 450s in it running at 400 66x6 I assume. The motherbord reported them as unknown but the operating system showed two graphs in task manager. Neat …

Boot loader advice.

Okay, so I’m gonna have an interesting setup on my new build. Many of you are already familiar with the specs I’m building but here are relivant details for this question. 1999 bios on a 430tx chipset. My boot drive will be either a compact flash on the mainboard ide or on a add in ide card (that …

Re: Admin request: Tapatalk support

in Milliways
I can’t seem to find this group on taptalk I was wanting to try it cause the web interface keeps logging me out and making me type in the 99 character password again Also, can we relax the password requirements my password is nuts 🤣

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