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Re: Burning my first iso in 15 years

in Milliways
OK. Thanks for the replies, it really makes me feel less alone in my adventure. It seems like the first Windows 98SE (Swedish) was corrupted. The English one seems to work (and it boots), but I am having trouble installing it on my SD card through the SD->CF card reader. The boot of windows 98 from …

Re: Burning my first iso in 15 years

in Milliways
Update! The retro computer refused to boot from the disk. Sadly I dont know the condition of the CD rom drive so I opened it up and cleaned it a little and gave it some nice well earned lubrication. I sadly dont have a music CD disk to try the actual disk. Maybe it is ok, it might not be able to …

Burning my first iso in 15 years

in Milliways
I picked up 100 cdr discs on a goodwill store and I am burning my first cd in ~15 years. I am so excited! WIll it fail? Will the buffer run out or is my iso of windows 98SE (swedish edition) just a dump of someones late 90s porn collection? Will keep you posted!

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