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Re: How to slow down Win95 Aladdin?

in Windows
Depends on your hardware. Often you can at least disable l2 cache and on some systems you can change the clock frequency on the fly. (Not that I'm 100% sure this is the problem you have.)

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
https://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/87593.jpg https://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/45226.jpg https://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/130728.jpg https://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/127643.jpg Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Finally I had one that isn't Platinum Edition, has the …

Re: The retro age of Dual Cores has arrived

in Milliways
Yeah I know windows 98 wont use the second core. Still one of those core are probably even quicker than my pentium m computer(s), yeah I have a thing for socket 479 and especially the ct-479 adapter I bought a few years ago. Would be interesting to see how they compare! How was AMD 64 bit processors …

The retro age of Dual Cores has arrived

in Milliways
I think it is time to build ourselves cheap, dual core system for stupid speed in windows 98, xp gaming and also with the ability to run modern operator systems. Uhm.. Modern? Is he on drugs, you think? (No only Swedish snus.) I'm talking about Haiku which is actually quite snappy on dual core …

Re: What vintage CPU socket saw the biggest increase in CPU horsepower from release to retirement?

Difficult decision. Maybe Socket7/SS7. I started testing from 100MHz up to 617. If we take into account that the P60 can also be packed inside, the scaling is even greater. Test line: 3DMark99 3DMark2001 Shiny 3DBench2 Landmark2 CPU/FPU/video Landmark2 CPU/FPU/video overall Doom1.9s GLQuake1 …

Re: Compaq armada 1750

in Milliways
Finally I found a caddy. Hopefully it fits! Will see next week. :-) Hey. I know it is an old post, but maybe you could help me out, as I also need a caddy for my 1700 armada. Where did you find yours? Was it expensive? Br, Slobodan Yeah, I learned the hard way always to check that the computer is …

Re: Compaq armada 1750

in Milliways
Nice, I see it has the good graphics card as well. Not extremely powerful but it is at least better than my ibm 600 that is similarly specced but with no 3d acceleration. Or at least i think the 600e doesn't have 3d acceleration.. I might do some benchmarks in an other thread at some point. :-) One …

Re: Tomb Raider I-II-III remastered

in Milliways
I wonder if they will get the character movement right. The first two (and i think third) games had a specific character movement scheme where Lara could jump backwards quickly and run forward and jump exactly at the ledge. Also pressing END on PC, you would roll around at the perfect distance from …

Re: I realized that I was an alternative

in Milliways
In my country most people could not afford a computer in the early 90s. But some of us had fathers who had the opportunity to bring a computer home from work and we got to play kings quest and pacman clones. Amazing! But most got their first computers with the internet boom in the later 90s. It was …

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