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Re: 10 years

in Milliways
Cool! 10 years seems like a lot but as my dad used to say , the alternative to getting older is worse. 😀

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I quit Baldur's gate 3. Felt unfinished when I came to act 3. Maybe some other time, after modders fix it and remove 'shove' lol. So i started playing that brand new star wars Outlaws game. Feels a little like a Thief-Tomb Raider-Assassins creed blend in space. It is kind of cool, at least the …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

in Milliways
I, the author of "reasons to hate modern games" upgraded my computer. Or rather replaced it all, because baldurs gate 3 was just running too slow. On my 3rd gen i5 with a gtx 1070. I went the am5 platform, a 7600 and a 4070 Super. Bg3 started to run like a clock but then I became tired of it. Maybe …

Re: Fallout 1,2 and tactics for free @epic games 29/8

in Milliways
I picked it up today! Might be the first time I remember anything. Also i had a look in my epic games library and realize it is full of cool games i prolly never will play. Like Tropico 5 (or 6) and that walking simulator with the main character looking like that zombie series "the walking dead". …

Re: Reasons to hate modern games

in Milliways
The original old guy yelling at clouds here. I have since repent. Recently upgraded my computer. Some newer games look cool. Gonna try the new star wars title and also that ape game, wukon? Got them for free with the GPU. But alas a ray traced turd is still a turd. 😉

Re: Voodoo 2 with mild artefacts

Edit: Found RA34 second resistor to be broken! I got idea to check RA resistor arrays from @lemonlime video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFucW4uB5k And it fixed it. Ha! :))) Thanks all ! Thats amazing. Good work! YouTube is sometimes an amazing source of information. I have fixed one voodoo 2 …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I have once again fallen down the Guild Wars 2 hole, and have almost five pieces of legendary armor's worth of resources. I say almost five because I am just about done making the fourth piece, and only need to grind out the exact same materials for the fifth as well. Sixth, well, that will take …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Moved on to Baldur's Gate III. It runs pretty good on my old i5-3570 with a GeForce GTX 1070 and 16 GB of ddr3 and some old SSD. The frame rate is very good but the load times is too long. It was just barely playable before I found an option to enable slow harddrive compensation. Anyway cool that …

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