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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - Windows XP & Audigy 5/Rx

I've been testing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory with an Audigy 5/Rx card and have run into a issue. The 3D audio doesn't sound quite right. There are times when I'll rotate the camera and sound effects will seem to disappear or they will sound as if they are moving off-screen. Another instance is when …

Re: Half-Life - Bizarre issue with the trash compactor

Thanks for the reply. I've tried two graphics cards. The nvidia GTX580 and the ATI x850xt. The ATI card is the oldest card I have at the moment. Both exhibit the issue. I played through the game using software mode and, as far as I could tell, those were the only two instances of the issue. Other …

Half-Life - Bizarre issue with the trash compactor

I've recently played through Half-Life WON v1.0.1.6 on my Intel Quad Core/Windows XP machine. With the exception of one bizarre issue, it worked perfectly from start to finish. The problem occurs in two locations: the trash compactor in Apprehension and the flooded machine room in Power Up. During …

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