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Re: MWave 25H5830 ISA Card in DOS?

OK have two systems out and tried the card in both. In one of them (Compaq DeskPro 486/25) it works in Win3.1 with WSS and Compaq Business Audio (it's looking at address 530??). I thought that would only run the onboard sound but somehow the sound is coming out of the MWave card. But, as stated …

Re: what will you do when your last hardware fails?

in Milliways
But I can't put it in the same category as the stuff from 1935 -1963. Yes, agreed. Architecture, design, etc definitely peaked in that era. Oi. I was talking about comic books manster. Got it. I feel like a lot more style went into the technology and furniture and buildings of that era as well. …

Re: what will you do when your last hardware fails?

in Milliways
I may mispeak at times, but I don't consider something vintage just because it's 20-25 years old. It's just obsolete. I tend to think that way too, but then I remember that kids who grew up in the nineties probably feel the same way about stuff from that era as I do about my Apple IIe and 8086 …

Re: MWave 25H5830 ISA Card in DOS?

Alright I discovered the jumper config tool and was able to set the address there to the same as mine (the actual jumpers on my boards don’t physically look like the ones in the graphic but they did have some of the same settings). Reinstalled the drivers with the new settings and got the same error …

MWave 25H5830 ISA Card in DOS?

I've got the card mentioned in the subject, an MWave 25H5830 ISA card, installed in my Compaq DeskPro (486/25). The card works in Windows 3.1, meaning I have Windows sounds. However, I can't seem to get it to work in plain old DOS. I've found some posts on it on here, and even links to some drivers …

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