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SB16 Emulation Help Needed

I recently built myself a new Win98 system and was intending to also use it for a few DOS games, like Duke Nukem 3D. Here are the system specs: Gigabyte 7VRX (rev. 2.0) (Socket A - VIA KT333/8233A chipset) Athlon Thunderbird 1400 512MB DDR ASUS GeForce2 Ti SB Audigy Gold Windows 98 SE I am able to …

Re: Quake Music on Windows 98

Figured it out - maybe someone will stumble on this thread searching for answers. I had to re-assign my physical CD-R drive to a lower letter than Daemon Tools. So now I mounted the game.cue for Quake under Daemon Tools to D: and my CD-R drive is set to Y: and music is working!

Quake Music on Windows 98

EDIT: Figured it out - maybe someone will stumble on this thread searching for answers. I had to re-assign my physical CD-R drive to a lower letter than Daemon Tools. So now I mounted the game.cue for Quake under Daemon Tools to D: and my CD-R drive is set to Y: and music is working! So I know …


Maybe a step back given the "ELI5". First: what is MIDI? It's basically a digital form of music notation - a stream of commands telling whatever is playing it which instrument is playing what note(s) at what volume. Very storage-efficient (extremely important when hard drives were much smaller than …


Hey all, so I've got a Windows 98 system that I dropped a Sound Blaster Audigy Gold (SB0090) into and it works great. For DOS games, I use SoundBlaster 16 emulation and it's just OK. The thing is, MIDI hardware is really before my time when I started gaming on PC in the late 90s, so it's a blank …

Re: SB Audigy SB0090 DOS support

I thought I should follow up on this as there was some missing parts that I managed to piece together. I was still having issues from files missing to no config files etc. The drivers above and the ones from the Audigy CD rom seemed to be missing two components. https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php …

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