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Re: EtherDFS - a network drive for DOS

As I couldn't get ethersrv-linux to compile on my Asustor NAS because of missing dependencies (which are not in the Asustor repository) I created a statically linked executable on another Linux host. I'll upload it here as it could be of use for somebody else as well. Should run on most x86-64 Linux …

Re: Has anyone here had issues with Aliexpress?

in Milliways
I've ordered from Aliexpress many many times over the years. One package got lost. Got three or so rebadged/not working components. And one time a recall for a flashlight which was unsafe to use according to EU regulations. For all cases I got a full refund without problems. So for (I think) 100+ …

Re: PC-DOS 7.10 Rev0 + QEMM9 DOSDATA.SYS Freeze

in DOS
Could reproduce the problem. Working fix for me was to run these steps: unopt (only needed if it is still in an optimize phase) optimize/nd (=No DOS up) Add parameter "BOOTENABLE:N" to the QEMM386.SYS line in the CONFIG.SYS (maybe not needed if you don't get an error about fastboot during booting) …

Re: Little Big Adventure problems

EDIT: well I found the issue. I've been using VIDECDD.SYS recommended by Phil's Computer Lab because of its low memory foot print. Seems LBA hates this driver and doesn't properly access data inside the game - when loading the speech file, it gets corrupted. I've had similar issues using Cute Mouse …

Re: 3D print topic?

"eSUN PLA-Matte Light Khaki" is as good as indistinguishable from the old computer grey. To my eyes it's a perfect match. It indeed is. Using this filament already for some time. Created a couple 5.25" bays a couple of days ago for some zip drives. Still need to install them in two pc's but as can …

Re: Little Big Adventure problems

EDIT: well I found the issue. I've been using VIDECDD.SYS recommended by Phil's Computer Lab because of its low memory foot print. Seems LBA hates this driver and doesn't properly access data inside the game - when loading the speech file, it gets corrupted. I've had similar issues using Cute Mouse …

Re: 7-Zip 24.09 for DOS

Thanks for making this available. Tried 7zm.exe on my lowest 386 I have (386SX 25Mhz/4Mb). First time I tried it I interrupted the creation of a zip file (supplied the wrong parameters). Rerunning it with the right parameters after that somehow hung my pc. After a reboot I tried it again but …

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