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Re: STB Voodoo 2 and caps

You shouldn't plug a card if you noticed it's missing some caps. Depending on where they are missing I think you can fry memory chips or the main chips. I don't know much about electronics so I'm just repeating what I remember seeing in videos. If the seller was already missing caps there's a big …

Re: Texture filtering - yay or nay?

I was also puzzled when I saw the new Tomb Raider 123 remaster where you can switch between the new graphics and the "original" graphics. The original graphics in the remaster have no filtering so it looks worse than the actual original game where you couldn't disable filtering. It also has a very …

Re: Bad luck with ebay video cards, asking for advice

The readme file of the game Little Big Adventure mentions a graphics card of 2Mb in october 1994 as a dream configuration but it's for a Pentium 100. They recommend a 486 dx2-66 with a 1Mb graphics card in VLB or PCI. The game is in 640*480 in dos. They also list graphics cards that are supported by …

Re: Common video cards from 1993

On our home 486 dx 33, we had a Trident. I don't know which model, probably ISA, but I had to run the VESA vbe to be able to play Little Big Adventure in 94. At work, my father and the other workers had a Tseng 4000 to run Autocad on a 486 dx 50 or better. I kept the manual of a Tseng 3000 so I …

Re: Rendition Verite Thread

Here's all the Verité patches for Tomb Raider if you want to try. They have patch notes except for the final version. I have collected many TR1 patch versions for other graphics cards as well. When I have time I'll make a post with all of them. beta1, beta2, beta3 are on this cd in /utils/patche/ …

Re: Rendition Verite Thread

When you say texture glitches, do you mean the pink lines in the border or some textures like the water surface ? There's a video showing it in the 2nd demo with the waterfall, but if I remember well I think I had more pink lines than in the video with my Diamond V2100. https://www.youtube.com/watch …

Re: Help :( Dark Omen woes

Your link is wrong, the website has an old certificate so most browsers won't accept it with https in the address. The video inside the thread is too old so it's not available. The link is this one http://forum.dark-omen.org/singleplayer/help-with-3d-issues-on-ibm-t41-t1653.0.html You say the screen …

Re: Games that modulate alphatests

Tonic Trouble from 1999 has alpha tested transitions between levels, using the alpha to animate the transition. There are many random transitions. A few are alpha blended. Not all transitions look good but they're easy to see. The game seems to be directx 6. Examples at 6:01, 8:03, 9:23, 9:52, 11:02 …

Re: Games that modulate alphatests

In Jak and Daxter on Playstation 2 in 2001 I think there's such an effect when infected plants glow. It happens really fast but when blue plants grow vertically, the alpha threshold changes to make leaves appear. Maybe it also happens when plants disappear but I'm not sure. It's hard to see because …

Re: Games that modulate alphatests

In Little Big Adventure 2 from 1997 there's a magical hologram with what looks like alpha testing. It's all software rendering though. The creator of the game said there would be a 3dfx version but they never made it. Some parts of the hologram turn white, some parts look alpha tested and disappear, …

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