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Re: Classic ICQ Server

This is very cool, especially in light of ICQ shutting down: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/icq-messenger-shuts-down-after-almost-28-years/ I never used ICQ ("I Seek You") back in the day as I didn't know anybody who used it, but I remember downloading the client at least once just …

Re: sometimes it's glitch and hangs the PC

in PC Emulation
If you have a USB floppy drive or would consider getting one, the BIOS may support booting from it, which would open up some doors for troubleshooting. But even without that, since you are using a CF card adapter, you could try writing Memtest directly to a CF card and booting it that way. If you …

Re: Gta 1 laggy

in DOS
Which platform or CPU are you using? I've never played GTA 1, but I remember GTA 2 was surprisingly difficult to get running smoothly on some period CPUs (e.g. consistent 40-50 FPS+).

Re: ASUS eeePC 701 / 4G FSB Adjustment Utility

in DOS
So cool! The Asus Eee PC was one of the first netbooks. I remember being blown away by how small they were when new. I don't own one so I can't test the tool but still wanted to comment some appreciation. I have a slightly later netbook with an Atom CPU that is running as a low power server to this …

Re: sometimes it's glitch and hangs the PC

in PC Emulation
Need more info. Post the emulator you're using (VMware, 86box, etc.) or the hardware if it's real hardware (CPU, memory, graphics, motherboard, hard drive, etc.), version of DOS, and the games you're having trouble with, then we can try and help.

Re: Question about XP Pc

in Windows
Watch out for the dell’s and hp’s a lot of these are work or generic home computers and many are 64 bit. And you will have a nightmare with obtaining cards to fit in them. It shouldn't matter if the CPU is 64-bit, they still run 32-bit software and OSs perfectly as if they were a 32-bit CPU. They …

Re: Question about XP Pc

in Windows
I personally don't want an illegal copy of the software. I found a couple pcs on ebay was wondering if anyone could let me know if these would be good. Thanks in advance https://www.ebay.com/itm/226009195919?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=aFK1pz8eSiu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=JEWGD9rqTWe& …

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