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Re: What version is this QUAKE???

Heyyyyyyyo, I found a copy of Quake yesterday and when I loaded it up it seems to be the registered version 1.06. I'm confused though because the "source code" at the back of the trifold is the same as the shareware copies I've seen. If anyone knows what release of Quake this is, that would be cool …

Re: Quake GOG music

The pc doesn't like the cds that I've tried to burn AT ALL. When I put one in, the computer freezes or becomes excruciatingly slow until I remove the cd from the drive. There is a connection between the sound card and the drive. Other games that use cd music like Hexen and Blood work perfectly. My …

Re: Quake GOG music

If you are using a clean unaltered version of Quake on W98, "technically" it only supports AUDIO from a physical CD. it will not play from any "folder". However, you can patch the Quake executable: https://www.play-old-pc-games.com/compatibility-tools/_inmm-dll-tutorial/ (not sure if this patch and …

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