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Re: Issue with Top Gun

So setmul didnt help. But this issue must have something else. I went down to 400 mhz and slowed the cpu with cpuspd. The game ran pretty slow but this issue appeard also. It was not so extreme but still. So this must have something to do with something else. What was very interesting, that with 400 …

Re: What's "VX" in Geforce2 Ti VX?

I have a ti vx card, unfortunately my version does not like oc at all. As i remember i just could increase it by 10 mhz. But do not bother the difference between 225 and 250 isnt worth mentioning it. I mean the card is still faster than the pro and gts version. You can buy it if you have a …

Re: Issue with Top Gun

Well unfortunately 66 mhz is the lowest i can go. All other games run fine with 800/400mhz so to change the cpu only for this game which works almost fine makes no sense. In bios i do not have the option for disabeling l2 cache. So will setmul give a try. With the 533eb i can even go to 266 mhz. But …

Issue with Top Gun

Hi, I have a strange issue with the game. The game itself runs fine, but if i shoot down a boat with a gun for example and the windows appears where it shows how it is hit ( its like an action scree) my game gets a turbo for 1 or 2 seconds and increases the speed by around 5 times. After that 1-2 …

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