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Where do you LEGALLY get your old games from?

I have a lot of physical copies, but some still elude me because prices have been going insane. An example would be Wolfenstein 3d. Where do you guys get these legally now? GOG? I was just wondering. Also I plan on playing this on older hardware as I finally built my Pentium machine not to long ago. …

Slowing down dos games on a Dell XPS t450

I've heard you can slow down dos games by turning off the cashe but since it's an OEM bios they don't have these options. Is there any other way to do this? Windows 98 Specs p3 450 OEM motherboard based on the Intel 440BX (Seattle) chip set https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/dell-dimension-xps …

Re: SE440BX-3 YMF724F-V 98SE driver refuses to install

OK, see the problem now - when I did my XPS T board I was updating from Dell to Dell so not a recovery issue (jumper works, but really for corruption only & they don't seem to use the exact Intel recovery process on this purely OEM board) You're trying to go from Intel to Dell, and the Dell all-in- …

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