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Re: WinGPT, AI chat bot for Windows 3.1

Thanks! I did look into mbedTLS, but the team seemed to think it wouldn't work well on a 16-bit platform because of assumptions it makes about size_t (https://forums.mbed.com/t/mbed-tls-size-t/3103). I'm actually not sure I really understood from reading Programming Windows why the Large model is a …

WinGPT, AI chat bot for Windows 3.1

Hey everyone, I wanted to share my latest project that I've been working on for Windows 3.1. It's called WinGPT, and it's an AI chat bot, based on ChatGPT/the OpenAI API. It has the ability to connect directly via TLS 1.2/1.3 to OpenAI's servers, so you don't need a modern machine to proxy your …

Wordle for Windows 3.1

in Milliways
Apologies if you're tired of hearing about Wordle, but for those that aren't—you can now play it on your retro rig! I made a clone of it for Windows 3.1, called Windle. It's written in Delphi 1 (the only version of Delphi to support 16-bit development) on my Gateway 486 machine, and there's a 32-bit …

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