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Re: HP IPAQ RX3700

The batteries sold on smallbattery or aliexpress are certainly perfect. Unfortunately the ones on eBay don't have the wire to connect to the PDA card. So they are discarded. Interesting headphones! I'll see if I can find some in good condition and usable! Question: Do you know if there is a pouch …

Re: Windows2000 Email Client.

in Windows
wierd_w wrote on 2024-05-22, 00:49: In addition to the POP3 setup, you need to do the SMTP setup. It's different between email providers. OK, thanks a lot! I'll try it and see if it works!

Re: HP IPAQ RX3700

Guys I need some help. While I wait for the battery to arrive. I realized that I accidentally lost some screws!!! I took a photo of the only screw I have left! I absolutely have to buy some! I took two photos of the screw and screwdriver I use for these screws, CR-V PH000 is the screwdriver tip I …

Re: Windows2000 Email Client.

in Windows
Interesting, maybe HERMES Mail is more up to date? Should I try it directly with him? I also discovered Becky's version! Internet Mail, for windows 2000 (version 2.75.04). Now there's something strange. The program installed correctly on Windows 11 and I was able to connect Outlook, without problems …

Re: HP IPAQ RX3700

So if I'm not mistaken they are these two cases? https://www.ebay.it/itm/285857441073 https://www.ebay.it/itm/225921197606 The program on the CD is interesting, I'll try it! Is there an Italian version? Otherwise it doesn't matter I use the English one. I ordered the battery, it will arrive in a …

Re: HP IPAQ RX3700

The batteries sold on smallbattery or aliexpress are certainly perfect. Unfortunately the ones on eBay don't have the wire to connect to the PDA card. So they are discarded. Interesting headphones! I'll see if I can find some in good condition and usable! Question: Do you know if there is a pouch …

Re: HP IPAQ RX3700

I can't find any. Maybe eBay in Italy won't let me see them. The only battery that looks similar to mine is this one. but honestly the cost seems excessive to me. https://www.ebay.it/itm/224472550949 As for the keyboard, interestingly it supports a Bluetooth keyboard. I wonder if it is capable of …

Re: HP IPAQ RX3700

My uncle gave me this fantastic HP IPAQ RX3700, with two new working batteries. Everything is there, except the CD which he couldn't find. You only need to change the backup battery which is worn out. Can you tell me what type of battery, so I can order it? I can't find the CD on the internet, can …


My uncle gave me this fantastic HP IPAQ RX3700, with two new working batteries. Everything is there, except the CD which he couldn't find. You only need to change the backup battery which is worn out. Can you tell me what type of battery, so I can order it? I can't find the CD on the internet, can …

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