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Re: games on consoles you wish were released on PC

Midtown Madness 3, when I was younger I had both 1 and 2 and I really always wanted to be able to play the 3rd one. ah yes, me too! not even sure it was that good a game. One thing with driving games though - they work well with console controllers imo That being said, there are still some Xbox …

Re: games on consoles you wish were released on PC

I used to play more actions games, so I had more console envy in the past. I missed out on the God of War games on the PS2 side and didn't play any Ace Combat games for the longest time. Now, I typically buy an Xbox about five years after their release date. I only went with Xbox because they were …

Re: What game are you playing now?

The Bard's Tale Trilogy Remastered I'm now 29.5 hours in and my characters are all level 13. Just class-changed my mages (one to conjuror->sorcerer and magician->conjuror). Have explored almost all of the sewers and started on level 1 of the Catacombs. Slowly finding better equipment for my party. …

Re: How to get Realtek drivers?

I found a couple of hits for one of them on the internet archive: https://archive.org/search.php?query=RTL8188CUS It would be a good idea to scan these files first, as anyone can upload to the internet archive. Nonetheless, I wouldn't worry too much about downloading drivers from there.

Re: Do movies suck these days?

To be clear, this trend of newer shows being catered to shorter attention spans goes back a few decades, so it's not an entirely new thing. I really noticed this when I recently watched Star Trek DS9. The pacing really stood out to me because they really filled up every second of the episode with …

Re: Do movies suck these days?

I agree with the loudness issue. I watch movies and tv shows using Kodi. I had to look up audio normalization in order to be able to hear the dialog without cranking up my tv volume. I still need to turn on subtitles for some shows.

Re: Do movies suck these days?

I'm a fan of older movies and tv shows. One thing that stands out to me in modern shows is the pacing. In older media, they had no problem having a bit of silence and slower parts, but newer directors typically see the need to fill every second with action or dialog. I doubt that we'll see another …

Re: What game are you playing now?

When I got my first ipad, I played Avernum and enjoyed it. There aren't many traditional CRPGs available for mobile devices. I also picked up the 2nd and 3rd. I enjoyed the sequels less, as I didn't notice much difference between them and the first game. I haven't played any other Spiderweb games, …

Re: IDE cable touching heat sink in thin client . Should I put insulation between them?

Insulation shouldn't be needed (if it is, the CPU is overheating). I would recommend trying to route the cable away from the heatsink though, for airflow purposes. I think that would be pretty difficult, as the IDE slot is directly above the heat sink. It's located in the top left of the following …

IDE cable touching heat sink in thin client . Should I put insulation between them?

Hi guys, Really simple question. I recently got a couple of thin clients for DOS and Windows 98 gaming. For storage, I'm using an IDE cable attached to a SD card adapter. Obviously, thin clients don't leave much room for cable management and I had to leave an IDE cable on top of the heat sink in one …

Re: Hardware you wish you'd never bought.

Creative Labs ISA sound cards. It's my own fault for not researching the various issues that plague Creative Labs cards (particularly noise), but I wound up with at least a few CL ISA cards (AWE32 and a couple SB Pros) that I probably wouldn't buy again. As low-noise / clean output is a priority …

Re: Games don't feel as exciting as they used to

If you're playing on mobile devices, there is an excellent "No Bullshit" games list here: https://nobsgames.stavros.io/ I remember getting my first tablet and being excited to play games on it. Apart from a few strategy and board games, I didn't end up finding much that interested. I haven't bought …

Re: Windows XP how much people still use for MAIN OS?

Another thing in favour of Linux is the command line. It is far more powerful than anything shipped with a DOS or Windows OS. It might not seem like a big deal when you're used to using a GUI, but there's so many things that it opens up. I have terabytes of data that I'm hoarding, but I can write …

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