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Re: Game environments that left a lasting impression

Back in 1996, the first level of Duke Nukem 3D looked amazingly real to my kid eyes. You could even interact with a bunch of stuff like light switches, toilets, hydrants, fire extinguishers, pool tables and so on. That left a huge impression on me, and other FPS games of the time which didn't have …

Re: Game environments that left a lasting impression

I noticed that a lot of the choices are the earliest 3D open world games. When the technology finally allowed for these types of games, we were spoiled with some really immersive worlds. I also think that the writing was better back then, so I doubt that I will get as immersed in anything coming …

Re: Game environments that left a lasting impression

More games keep coming to mind. The Mass Effect games also created an incredible universe to play around with. I noticed that a lot of the choices are the earliest 3D open world games. When the technology finally allowed for these types of games, we were spoiled with some really immersive worlds. I …

Re: Game environments that left a lasting impression

RandomStranger wrote on 2022-11-01, 18:04: Where I know the game world itself had a huge part of my impressions are: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. How did I forget the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games? The atmosphere in that game is unparalleled. I even loved Clear Sky despite all the bugs. Apart from Half Life, those are …

Re: Game environments that left a lasting impression

For me, that moment in Fallout3 when you first go outside of the Vault...just wow. Back in the day I was very sceptical about fo3 steering away from the isometric-turnbased style, but fo3 won me over very quickly once I played it. I did enjoy the sequel New Vegas too, but atmosphere-wise fo3 feels …

Re: Game environments that left a lasting impression

As a kid, the garbage ship in Space Quest III was incredible. I've always liked the idea of scifi junk ships or planets. Despite me being awful at those old Sierra games at the time, I still enjoyed exploring that starting ship over and over when I was young. I wouldn't have the patience for that …

The Commodordion

This just got recommended to me by YouTube. Anyone who loves retrocomputing and music might get a kick from it as well: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EBCYvoC4muc

Re: Video card haul

That's the strange thing about the pricing structure for vintage computer parts on ebay. You can often get desirable parts cheaper when you buy them as part of an existing build or as part of a lot of odds and ends than you can if you try to just buy the part itself. Not eBay, but I recently bought …

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