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Re: Missing operating system

Microsoft says it originates in the BIOS, and suggests the following reasons: The basic input/output system (BIOS) does not detect the hard disk. The hard disk is damaged. Sector 0 of the physical hard disk drive has an incorrect or malformed master boot record (MBR). An incompatible partition is …

Re: Missing operating system

Credit where credit is due: superfury suggested fdisk /mbr first. My primary suggestion was to make sure that the correct partition is active. I stand corrected. One more thing: fdisk /mbr will rebuild the MBR on the current disk, which might not be the one used for the Windows installation (like …

Re: Missing operating system

MBR is damaged or missing. As mentioned by mkarcher, booting from a Windows 95 recovery disk or an MSDOS disk and typing in fdisk /mbr will rewrite your MBR without altering the partition table. Credit where credit is due: superfury suggested fdisk /mbr first. My primary suggestion was to make sure …

Re: Missing operating system

This is quite interesting. I'm more used to the "No Bootable Device, Insert Boot Disk and Press Any Key" error. But I would assume the error still originates in the BIOS, because this is not an MSDOS error I've ever seen. So while I agree with the advise provided above, let's just walk through some …

Re: Doing a custom machine with 86Box

Duh, I missed that your are on MAC. 86Box can be used with different VMs by specifying it in the command line: 86Box -C config.cfg or 86Box -P path/to/vm The default name for the config is CONFIG.CFG but you could rename it so you could multiple configs and launch the one of your choice. This is …

Re: Doing a custom machine with 86Box

That's not possible, you are restricted to the ones included. It's quite a huge list, you can probably find something very close to your target machine. There's no way to switch machines, you need to use a manager such as Winbox. https://github.com/86Box/WinBox-for-86Box That's quite unfortunate, …

Doing a custom machine with 86Box

I've been using 86Box to test things on my M1 MacBook Air for a while, but maybe I'm dumb, but I haven't figured out two things: 1. Say I wanted to emulate the Deskpro 2000 6233MMX I'm restoring. How would I do a custom virtual machine like that on 86Box? Is it even possible? 2. How do I switch …

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