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Re: Anyone have any idea where I could scrape up an ink overflow reservoir for a Deskjet 940c?

Got a 3d printer? If so, consider printing a press mold for a homebrew replacement. Type II silicone bathroom caulk (the vinegar stinky kind) will set up in about 5 minutes when mixed with a little water. Complimentary old youtube video https://youtube.com/watch?v=7fwytA5r2Mw&feature=shared Make a …

Re: Considering building a i486 Computer with either VLB or PCI video card support on slots

Hit and miss, caveat emptor. VLB is directly tied to the cpu's frontside bus speed, and becomes unstable outside the sweetspot of 33mhz. On some cards, they can handle being driven at 25 or 50, but the spec expects 33mhz. Few 486 systems were pci, and those that were, has a very primitive north and …

Re: Bootstrapping a "new" Mac Plus

The phone-net adapters basically ARE localtalk. Phone-net is electrically the same 2wire serial with resistor terminator interface, just with real cheap phone cords used instead of difficult to obtain localtalk cables. Localtalk is just super duper slow. Thankfully, you only need one bridge. Any …

Re: running old hypercard software

I have mixed news. On the plus side: I successfully re-attached the resource fork from the provided copy. On the negative side: It appears the resource fork/ data fork data is corrupted somehow. Attached it an HFV diskette image, which contains the reconnected file, with the filetype and app creator …

Re: Bootstrapping a "new" Mac Plus

The scsi subsystem on an antique mac is going to need daisy-chained adapters to slap anything even remotely new on. Also, the external enclosures for SCSI disks are $$$ these days. Zip100 *IS* indeed failure-prone, but you can still get NOS disks cheaply from amazon. I would not recommend using the …

Re: running old hypercard software

Looks like the recent versions call it "Enable MyComputer on your Mac", per this emaculation how-to. https://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/basilisk_ii_setup Instead of a much more friendly folder path (like on linux builds), it wants a list of allowed drive letters to access. (Bleh!) Oh well. Just …

Re: Bootstrapping a "new" Mac Plus

Seriously. Zip 100 external (scsi variety) + silver lining https://68kmla.org/bb/index.php?threads/adding-a-zip-drive-to-a-mac-classic.15947/ It will be fully bootable. You can use the disk in a usb driven zip100, with an emulator, to create the bootable media. The disk images for the whole system 6 …

Re: Bootstrapping a "new" Mac Plus

For instance, this auction. A suitable scsi cable, and pointing basilisk II at the usb one for scsi passthrough, and you have a nice '100mb boot disk' solution. Drive for each side of the equation. See also: https://www.jagshouse.com/zipMacPlus.html After getting the foot in the door, consider …

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