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Re: GTA I - FreeDOS 1.3

I installed GTA in VirtualBox with FreeDOS and MS-DOS, both didn't work too but with different behaviors. So the three methods produce different problems, not very useful to diagnose the problem. In the future if I install the MS-DOS on the PC, I update the topic with the result.

Re: GTA I - FreeDOS 1.3

No, for now I do not really want to test it with DOS 6.22. I had to use floppy disks to install FreeDOS and transfer all the files, and I am not ready to go through that again. However, I can install FreeDOS and MS-DOS in a virtual machine to test it.

GTA I - FreeDOS 1.3

Hello everyone, have a Thinkpad 370C running FreeDOS 1.3 and I am trying to run GTA I without success. Inside the GTADOS folder : 1) When I try to run gta8.exe, it shows this intro, https://i.ibb.co/QcsVz2c/IMG-20240318-225056.jpg and then the screen goes black and stays locked like that. 2 ) When I …

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