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Need links to early glide games for my win 95 PC

in Windows
I have a diamond monster 3D in a windows 95 build and am wanting to find games to play on that system. does anyone know where i can find some? i already have copies of tomb 1, 2 and 3, GLquake, quake 2, ultimate race pro and MDK. I would love to play POD and Carmageddon on this machine

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware is decreasing?

i hate emulation i think its so stupid. completely ruins the experience. i dont care that you are too lazy/too broke to experience the game on original and intended hardware. in my opinion and this is only an opinion, games should only be enjoyed on period correct hardware. as an owner of much " …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware is decreasing?

i hate emulation i think its so stupid. completely ruins the experience. i dont care that you are too lazy/too broke to experience the game on original and intended hardware. in my opinion and this is only an opinion, games should only be enjoyed on period correct hardware. Sounds as "stupid" or " …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware decreasing?

tomb raider on a p4 would be fine because it's capped and there's no fm sound to worry about and some do like the software look better (even then). The real kicker is the tolerance of the controls as that part didn't age well and it's mutual with the series asking out of curiosity, were people …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware is decreasing?

Yes, and there are a few immutable factors contributing to that.... 1. Old PC hardware availability (CPU/mobo/complete vintage systems/whatever)has decreased significantly, while old PC software remains easily available or grows steadily. What's around may be functional to some degree or going bad/ …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware is decreasing?

Yes, and there are a few immutable factors contributing to that.... 1. Old PC hardware availability (CPU/mobo/complete vintage systems/whatever)has decreased significantly, while old PC software remains easily available or grows steadily. What's around may be functional to some degree or going bad/ …

Re: what is the greatest old hardware find/deal you have ever come across when looking for retro computer parts?

I probably should not include this but is vintage electronics from the late 90's. I might have already told this story years ago here but will repeat it anyway. My friends uncle bought a Kenwood KR-9600 when they first came out, used it a few years and then bought some new McIntosh gear. He gave …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware decreasing?

Emulators are great. And most depends on what are you interested on. If you are only interested in the games itself, go for an emulator. The game still the same, and you don't have to deal with all the problems of the old crap. Who instead, is more interested on deal with real stuff, most of the …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware is decreasing?

i hate emulation i think its so stupid. completely ruins the experience. i dont care that you are too lazy/too broke to experience the game on original and intended hardware. in my opinion and this is only an opinion, games should only be enjoyed on period correct hardware. as an owner of much " …

what is the greatest old hardware find/deal you have ever come across when looking for retro computer parts?

for me, has to either be uncovering a computer my mom bought 21 years ago just to find a diamond monstor 3D inside, sb16 and Asus P55T2P4 with 60MB of ram, (she bought it from a friend for $100 CAD who played games after he upgraded ) or finding a Voodoo 3 2000 PCI in a $10 box of assorted computer …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware is decreasing?

Yes, and there are a few immutable factors contributing to that.... 1. Old PC hardware availability (CPU/mobo/complete vintage systems/whatever)has decreased significantly, while old PC software remains easily available or grows steadily. What's around may be functional to some degree or going bad/ …

GLquake help

can anyone link to me a place where i can find a good copy of GL quake? i have a basic copy of quake installed already but need GL quake and am not sure where to find a copy. im looking to run the game with a diamond monster 3D Voodoo 1 and windows 95.

Re: odd problem with Riva TNT2 m64

mbarszcz wrote on 2024-11-03, 06:53: Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue. yes. my solution was to find a motherboard that has better support for windows 98,or run windows 2000 instead. my issue was that windows 98 didnt like the chipset drivers for my specific motherboard.

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