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Re: Why does surface output behave so strangely?

in DOSBox General
"And, regarding my other question. Do you know what does "aspect=true" do exactly? I know that I need to enable it in order to get a correct aspect ratio in many games. But does it always correct the aspect ratio regardless of resolution? Or does it only "kick-in" when the resolution is 320x200 ? …

Re: Record Video with midi in DosBox.

in DOSBox General
"But the problem I have is that DosBox doesn't record midi playback when you use soundfonts... " Why not record as MIDI and then play back later and record into audio outside of Dosbox and finally mix it with the video? "That should rule out any sync issues." On the contrary, wouldn't that make it …

Re: Problems, need help.

in DOSBox General
There's a file called dosbox.conf in the directory where you installed Dosbox (e.g. c:\program files\dosbox 0.72\). You can edit it with a text editor like notepad. Also, I suggest reading the README.txt in that same directory 😉

Re: Record Video with midi in DosBox.

in DOSBox General
You can also record MIDI commands into a separate .mid file that you can later render into normal audio. Ctrl-Alt-F8 starts recording MIDI. I have no idea if it will stay in sync with the video, however. PS. Does AVI support MIDI data?

Re: DosBox Fullscreen help

in DOSBox General
fullresolution=1280x720 output=opengl # or openglnb if you like it sharp aspect=true Should give you a nice pillarboxed view. If you want it stretched then use fullresolution=960x720 or something 4:3 and have your display stretch it.

Re: Connect Dosbox ipx with Windows 98

Perhaps you could try troubleshooting it with a packet sniffer like Wireshark? See if the IPX packets get through (i.e. run Wireshark in the background and have it capture all the network traffic - you can make it only capture IPX if you want to save memory).

Re: Making the keyboard more precise?

in DOSBox General
think a Joystick should really be a good solution then, I'll try to find one Actually, Privateer's joystick control is pretty bad. It behaves like one of those old digital joysticks or gamepads without an analog stick. I recommend playing Privateer with a mouse.

Re: Capturing Warcraft II Dos music

You could have just set your sound card to record what it outputs then use Microsoft Sound Recorder >.> When you record using Dosbox you get bitperfect output and even if Dosbox chokes because of the lack of CPU time, the recorded output won't have any of that. If you record video and audio …

Re: Resolution/Aspect Ratio settings for a widescreen

in DOSBox General
I had no idea the output=ddraw would dramatically change things. Every output driver except "surface" scales the image to fill the screen (from some forum posts I gather that Vista has some bug with ddraw preventing this from working correctly but I can't confirm). "Surface" just adds black borders …

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