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Re: Boxer 0.7: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Actually another user with a similar machine to yours (I think he had the original "eMac") encountered the same problem. Technically it's not Boxer that's crashing in this instance, but DOSBox; Boxer launches DOSBox to play the games. You could confirm by downloading the original DOSBox 0.72 OS X …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

OS X has a parental controls system that allows an administrator to select which applications a user account is allowed to access. When setting the parental controls for a user account, all applications (be they in the Applications folder or elsewhere) are displayed in a list with checkboxes beside …

Re: DOSBox not reading autoexec prefs (OSX)

The Mac release of DOSBox doesn't make this clear, but you need to drop the "DOSBox Preferences" file into ~/Library/Preferences/. Then DOSBox will be able to locate it (and execute the commands you put in there). Alternately you could try Boxer , which installs its own configuration files …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

For now at least, MPlayer 1.0rc1 will play them back and has the advantage of being released and supported. Actually I was able to get the VLC PowerPC nightly to play back ZMBV movies - this version will still run on Intel macs, just slower because the PowerPC emulation kicks in. I tried the latest …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Very well, I'll submit patches for the issues I am able to fix. I was operating under the assumption that the MacOS port was actively maintained by developers; had I known that nobody cares about it then I wouldn't have wasted my time writing bug reports.

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Why bother to only mention media players for OSX to play the movies that DOSBox records where in Windows the codec that comes with DOSBox enables ALL media players that uses that codec to be able to play DOSBox movies. The Windows release of DOSBox includes a plugin that allows all media players to …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Another problem I'd like to bring up with regards to the Mac DOSBox port: It's really hard to find an OS X player or plugin for the ZMBV codec (which DOSBox uses for movies) and there's no guidance in the DOSBox readme on how to do so. VLC has just added support for the codec in 0.9.0, but that …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

IIGS_User, it looks like you have Roxio Toast installed - could you attach or email me its Info.plist file? I want to look at its filetype associations, to see if it has defined its own UTIs or OSTypes for CUE and other image formats. (Unfortunately there's no demo version of Toast, so I can't just …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Boxer 0.65 now recognizes .CUE images. These never had a UTI to start with, so I've had Boxer assign them com.goldenhawk.cdrwin-cuesheet according to the recommended UTI naming conventions (CDRwin was the program that introduced cuesheets, and goldenhawk.com is the website of the company which …

Boxer 0.65: A new Mac OS X DOSBox launcher

Boxer has now been updated to version 0.65! A full list of changes can be found in the Release Notes . This version now works properly in OS X 10.4 (previous versions didn't). The main improvements in this version have been to folder and image mounting: Boxer will auto-mount any floppy or CD-ROM …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

The problem is that public.disk-image encompasses types of disk images that DOSBox does not support. For instance, I don't believe DOSBox can mount the mac .DMG image format, nor Nero .NRG disk images, both of which are (or would be) encompassed by public.disk-image. So, it would be safer to use …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

No problem! :) I also realised I should make it clear that this Info.plist doesn't assign confs and lang files to be *opened* by DOSBox - it just tells OS X what kind of file they are (plaintext) and how to describe them ("Configuration File", "DOSBox Language File"). This information will mean …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Argh sorry, I meant to say that I'd assigned them to org.gnu.configuration-file and com.dosbox.language-file respectively. The info.plist file is correct, I'd just confused the names in my post. OS X 10.4 and above use the UTIs for filtering the file dialogs, specifying what filetypes an application …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Almost forgot! it also associates the DBGc and DBGa OSType codes with com.microsoft.msdos-executable and com.microsoft.batch-file respectively. I found when testing these that once you've declared imported types for an application, it's *really really hard* to make OS X respect any later changes to …

Re: A new MacOS DOSBox launcher

Thanks for the feedback Minimax :) Currently, Boxer checks the filesystem of each CD/mounted image reported by OS X: if it's ISO 9660 then Boxer mounts it as a CD at the next available drive-letter (first D, then E/F/G etc); if it's anything else then Boxer ignores it. This can mount multiple CDs …

Re: A new MacOS DOSBox launcher

I have updated Boxer to 0.62, which you can download at http://boxer.washboardabs.net/. The main improvement in this version is that Boxer will now detect any disc you have in your CD drive, and any ISO images you have mounted in OS X, and automatically mount them as CD drives in Dosbox. So for …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

I have now updated the attached Info.plist file. The new version adds the appropriate file-assocation keys for OS X 10.3 and below, as well as making the following tweaks: - removed leftover icon file references from Boxer. - changed .conf files to the UTI org.gnu.configuration-file and changed …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

OS X 10.4 has introduced UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers) as the preferred way to describe filetypes. This format is intended to unite file extensions, mimetypes, and the old 4-letter Mac OSTypes into a single way of identifying what files an application supports. The documentation for them is here: …

Re: A new MacOS DOSBox launcher

I've started a new thread about the issues with the MacOS DOSBox port instead, as there were a couple more issues I wanted to bring up and I'd prefer to keep this thread specifically about the Boxer launcher application. The new thread about DOSBox itself is here: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php …

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