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Re: about a chinese game:AMIKA

Thx for the answer. But I can use V0.63 to play some other games with the same environment.But only this game can not be played Here is the [SDL] config fullscreen=false fulldouble=false fullfixed=false fullresolution=1024x768 output=surface hwscale=1.00 autolock=true sensitivity=100 waitonerror= …

about a chinese game:AMIKA

when I use Dosbox V0.63 to play the game Amika the screen will display such an information: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) then the window will be closed. If I use the MS-Windows DOS environment, it will show me Loading...Memory not enough to load the SB.Drv driver. The SB.Drv driver …

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