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Re: Request: CG shader support

I guess it doesn't matter too much because I can use RetroArch to apply the CG filters to a DosBox instance. Seems like direct support would be faster though. Have you managed to get this to work? I'm on Windows 7 64-bit and anytime I run Dosbox in retrorach, the minute I select a game it stops …

Re: CM-32L sound effects on a SC-55?

Ah yes, I got it to work in MUNT water and all. I found out I had to manually specify MUNT via the GUI it has to use the CM-32L roms. Once I did that I can hear the water. Interesting. MUNT has come a long way I must admit. It isn't perfect but I'm surprised by how good it is at some things. Others …

Re: CM-32L sound effects on a SC-55?

It may be possible to do this, but the result may not be ideal in all circumstances. Here is the quick and dirty way : MT-32 & CM-32L Instruments play on MIDI channels 2-9. MT-32 Percussion and CM-32L Sound Effects play on MIDI channel 10. Set your SC-55 into MT-32 emulation mode. Mute MIDI …

CM-32L sound effects on a SC-55?

So I have both a MT-32 (first gen) and a SC-55 vanilla. There are a few DOS games that use special sound effects on the CM-32L module (Ultima Underworld in particular) that I'd like to hear but, alas, I don't have a CM-32L. I noticed in my SC-55 manual that it has a way to emulate the (from what I …

Re: Mouse movement odd

Nah, I have a Logitech G9. I did set my polling rate down from 500 to 125 in the logitech setpoint software and that seemed to help somewhat. Not perfectly but it is better. I'll have to play some Terra Nova to be sure. Polling rate isn't the same as sensitivity. Polling rate has to do with how …

Re: Mouse movement odd

Hmm, okay. I guess I'm the only dosbox user out there that has a sticky mouse when running dosbox in fullscreen? Lots of views... no replies. :( It stinks cause it totally screws up my dosbox experience. I've even tried upping the sensitivity to something like 500 and this doesn't help at all. If I …

Mouse movement odd

Something that I've accepted as "it just is" for some while came back to the forefront last night. I've been playing through the Monkey Island series in dosbox and one of the most annoying things with the first game is that if I try to make fine, slow movements with the mouse--the cursor never moves …

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