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Re: Some speech skipping in Return to Zork

Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have replied so harshly. Your suggestion re: Dosbox was fine, it just could've been phrased a bit better. To be frank, I tried both Dosbox and D-fend. First time using both, and I have to admit I found the Dosbox a bit confusing/overwhelming. The game wasn't playing any FMVs …

Some speech skipping in Return to Zork

Hi there, first post. I hope someone here knows what might be causing this issue. I've set the game up according to this page: http://home.earthlink.net/~infernofilecabinet4/XpSetupsP_T/rtz_setup.htm However, I am having one minor, but rather unenjoyable, issue that I wonder if you have any ideas on …

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