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Re: Removing stretching with black borders

Freddo wrote: wd wrote: And i'm sure the 320x200 modes never had any black bars on top or below on my old PC. Indeed they didn't. While 320x200 was/is a non 4:3 resolution, it still used the whole 4:3 screen, which made the pixels to be tall instead of square. But I have a 5:4 monitor.

Re: Removing stretching with black borders

ChaosFish, I followed your previous steps along with your new resolution step and now it works perfectly: the image scales until it meets the border at both sides of my screen, and leaves two black borders: one at the bottom and one at the top of my screen. Now I can play in fullscreen without the …

Removing stretching with black borders

Hey. I love Dosbox to death but I still have one issue with it, and I'm sure there is a possibility to fix it. I tried to tweak my config file but I don't get the result I want (more on that later). Basically, I don't like how my games are vertically stretched out when I play them in fullscreen. I …

Re: Crystal Caves Hud Shaking

Ykhwong's build? :disapproving: Did you go through the dosbox.conf and make sure your cycles etc were set properly? It should run better most of the time...not worse. What resolution/scaling type are you using? I never configured anything in both in the latest CVS and the latest gold version (0.63) …

Re: Crystal Caves Hud Shaking

for some reason, the latest CVS makes dosbox perform VERY bad. lowering or raising cpu cycles doesn't work. I'm behind a 550 mhz machine right now, and it used to work. what is the problem? I will reinstall the normal 0.63 version now, without CVS.

Re: Crystal Caves Hud Shaking

I don't know, but maybe you can implement a hotkey to enable/disable the VGA border in any game (and enable it by default) so if it annoys someone: one click and it's gone, and if he wants to see it to see what color it has: one click and it's back? :) just like the screen capture hotkey, which I …

Re: Crystal Caves Hud Shaking

it looks very cool, unfortunately it makes the HUD look very weird. it almost defeats the purpose of making the HUD stop shaking. (almost ;)) anyway, it's exciting to see how much effort people are putting into geting old games to work. thanks guys! so that border thing, will that work in any game …

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