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Re: Deus Ex Freezes on Startup

in Windows
I've found a solution! Turns out two little buggers, named a3d.dll and asdapi.dll were responsible. The way to get rid of them could be found here (different game, same issue). Now it works like charm!

Deus Ex Freezes on Startup

in Windows
I've re-installed the original Deus Ex after not playing irt for a year or so; however, despite the fact that it ran well last time on the same system, it simply doesn't work this time - if I run it in Direct3D mode, it freezes right after the CD-check, gives me a blank full-screen and I cannot get …

Re: Neverwinter Nights crashes (kinda of) on gamestart

in Windows
Have you tried: - uninstalling and reinstalling the game? - making sure your swapfile isn't full? - using a no-cd crack? - Uninstall and re-install - did it when I had the problem before, didn't help, but updating video drivers did, unlike this time - I've tried a no-cd crack, it doesn't help How …

Neverwinter Nights crashes (kinda of) on gamestart

in Windows
I have a full installation of Neverwinter Nights with both expansion packs; when I played it back in June, it ran well most of the time, but when I ran it again today, the game showed the black cd-check screen, and then it disappeared and I got to the desktop, as if nothing was running; I checked …

Martian Gothic: Unification crashes on startup

in Windows
I have the old game Martian Gothic for some time; it always seemed to have something against my newer computer. It runs OK on my mother's old Celeron 300MHz (except for random game freezes every hour or so - "thanks" to motherboard issues on that computer - and movie-only choppyness). When I tried …

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