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Re: Ignition on Windows 7 x64

in Windows
Another vote for "works perfectly here". Win8 x64. Try changing the sampling rate on your sound card. Are you sure the CD audio plays at all and it's not some other sound effect that cuts out? This is one of those games that wants the audio CD to be in the first drive letter... Does the CD track …

Re: Motorhead - no CD music

in Windows
Isn't IndirectSound used just to restore surround sound in games? It's the difference between the game running or crashing to desktop for me, so it obviously have other (if unintended) uses. Also fixes The Lost Vikings 2's music playback for whatever reason (that's not CDDA though). I would try it …

Re: Motorhead - no CD music

in Windows
You could also try IndirectSound, I know I said it probably won't work but it's worth testing. Try changing sound driver in the game settings too.

Re: Motorhead - no CD music

in Windows
I just tested and it doesn't appear to care what drive the disc is in actually. I'm going with problem with the disc image. Alternatively, is CD volume even turned on in the in game settings?

Re: Motorhead - no CD music

in Windows
No, "Digital Illusions" should be under "Wow6432Node". CDDA works out of the box* here on a Win8 setup btw** (and I really doubt there are any CDDA compatibility differences between Win7 and Win8) so the issue is either with your image or your configuration. Remember CDDA games often only look for …

Re: Windows XP and Windows 7 - Playing Old Games Over LAN

in Windows
Just thinking out loud here, no real clue what your problem is, but... Check for additional network adapters, physical or virtual. Disable all of them not needed. Win7 has three network profiles you can assign to each network you connect to: Home, Work or Public. Make sure to try all three. List …

Re: 1024x768 Games Nvidia GPU Scaling

in Windows
He's probably just complaining about bilinear scaling, which is what Nvidia GPUs do when you tell them to scale the image; nothing to do about that. There's no setting to change that or any aspect of how the scaling is done (personally I want an option for exact 2x/3x/4x/etc scaling). What you can …

Re: Safely restoring DirectMusic functionality to Win7?

in Windows
I'm not the only person that had this problem you know. Why others are saying they're able to get the game working I'll never understand. You're probably the only person with the problem who knows about a fix and refuses to do it despite me trying to go through all your worries about it. You need …

Re: Lion King

in Windows
Do you have the opportunity to test if the games work in Windows XP+ (I doubt they do)?

Re: Safely restoring DirectMusic functionality to Win7?

in Windows
I refuse to turn to google for this one because I'm paranoid about modifying system files. Especially on a OS that get's mad at you when you attempt to do so. Well you can keep that refusal up and never get the game running or you can try the saner approach of letting us go through the worries of …

Re: Outlaws (LucasArts) under Vista

in Windows
I think the most important thing would be to add 64-bit patch installers. The patches are all 16-bit applications, so even with your installer you have to use a VM to install the patches if you want 3dfx, direct3d support or the new missions included.

Re: Outlaws (LucasArts) under Vista

in Windows
Check nGlide's settings. It allows you to force resolutions higher than 640x480. If anyone's trying to run this in Windows 8: Use DXGL as a wrapper for the menus (annoying games uses DirectDraw for menus regardless of what the game render is). Probably preferable to Windows 7 users too. Killing …

Re: Afraid to run old Windows Games on Window 7?

in Windows
Windows protects its system files from changes and has since Windows ME. You're unlikely to break the system by installing/uninstalling older applications. It is not impossible for it to happen nor is it impossible for your harddisk to suddenly fail one day. Neither should be amongst your worries: …

Re: Wipeout 2097 (XL) with Windows 98

in Windows
Well, a messy solution, but something to try if you get no other suggestions: install MSI Afterburner and use MSI OSD server to limit framerate. You'll probably need KernelEx to get past the installation. I doubt this will work at all. Better solution: try to get a XP computer (or Win7, that's what …

Re: Windows 7 GPU scaling?

in Windows
Two separate things that I'm not sure have been mentioned here. 1: Switch to the resolution your game is running at before making any changes. Scaling options WILL be greyed out if you're running in your display's native resolution and not the game's. Edit: After you have set it, that scaling mode …

Re: Pc frogger game 1997 version

in Windows
That CDDA patch linked to works for me in Windows 7 with a later European re-release of Frogger. So I assume the guy who wrote the patch knows what he's talking about. If you like the game making a backup of that patch is probably a good idea, things like that tend to disappear.

Re: Win9x games that don't work on XP

in Windows
MCI works, you just need XP compatibility mode. Experimented a bit today, couldn't figure out how to get rid of the delay on Metal Fatigue, but I tried Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds, and it had no such problem. So it probably has nothing to do with winmm.dll (or _inmm.dll) and is related to some …

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