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Re: Feature Request: sharp bilinear scaling

You can already do this. On the first page of the control panel under "Appearance" you need to set "Scaling mode" to "Stretched, keep Aspect Ratio" (or "Stretch, 4:3 Aspect Ratio"). This is necessary to let dgVoodoo handle the scaling. Next you need to right click the General/Glide/DirectX tab row …

Re: Lands of Lore 2 Problems on Voodoo 3

So the graphics for Windows Hardware acceleration and DOS Hardware acceleration look very similar. However Windows only effectively offers 640x400, which is a squished 640x480 picture. Left: Windows, Right: Dos WindowsDOS.png This is incorrect BTW. The UI is stretched, but the game is not: https:// …

Re: Another Windows privacy breach

in Milliways
This is approximately nowhere on my list of privacy concerns. Additionally, your PC must have at least 256 GB of storage space, with 50 GB available for Recall. By default, Recall will use 25 GB, enough to store about three months of your activities. They won't use that bandwidth sending that over …

Re: Okay but did you ever PURCHASE WinRAR?

in Milliways
I have a WinRAR license. I use it all the time. Not a purchase I regret. One problem with the RAR format is that Windows Search does not support indexing the archives. It can handle ZIP and several other compressed formats but not RAR. Have you actually tried this after Windows added RAR support? It …

Re: NVME partioning advice

in Milliways
I wouldn't bother. The benefits of partitioning drives is in the past. You used to partition drives to get Windows closer to the start (or end? I forgot) of the drive platter for performance reasons. Obviously not a thing in the SSD world. You used to partition drives because reformatting before …

Re: Is it true that Windows XP games work great on Windows 10?

in Windows
Out of the box, I would say it's compatibility with Win9X/WinXP games is terrible, but I would probably say the same of Win9X/WinXP too. With some tweaking however I've gotten 99%+ of the games I've tried to work better than they did natively in Win9X/WinXP. And the 1%- is largely because I try a …

Re: BPP oddity

The skybox is unlikely to use transparency, so whatever is causing the banding has nothing to do with 24-bit vs 32-bit. Again, those 8 bits are transparency bits. Probably unlikely to even be used. It's possible the game is running in 16-bit color however and that's causing banding. dgVoodoo renders …

Re: BPP oddity

Screenshots should always be 24-bit. 24 bit = 8 bits each of Red, Green and Blue 32 bit = 8 more bits for alpha How are you expecting the alpha bits to be in a screenshot, and how are you expecting to see that on your likely 24-bit monitor?

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