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Re: RB3D continued

That way of putting it is a bit misleading. They are all rectangular, but some are also square. That was why I said the non-square ones have problems. If I had said the rectangular ones, then anybody taking that literally would have to infer that all textures had problems. Okay I'm being a little …

Re: Just a thought...

Trouble is it also gives the possibility of just one rogue user uploading their version to a website with their ID for general download. Snover has ideas on making the unlock procedure web based so that you can do it instantly without the email trun round lag.

Re: OK. Final Analysis...

Sorry, you can't get a final analysis off 006b12, because I released 006b13 yesterday. :D 006b13 should let you turn on SunGlare without an enormous frame rate hit, and should clean up some of the texture problems. I think the only remaining ones are in the game itself. There's a mipmapping problem, …

Re: RB3D continued

I broke mipmapping a bit in the version I uploaded yesterday. It is fine for Red Baron, but if you see white where there should be a texture in other games, try disabling mipmapping. Its something to do with generating mipmaps for paletted textures. OpenGL doesn't seem to know how to do that, so I …

Re: TR1 - white screen...

Try setting up with no sound, just to take that out of the equation. And the bit about everything running slow when you have to crash out. The system isn't stuffed up. It is just that there is a very high priority ntvdm process running. If you can get the task manager up (which takes time because it …

Re: European Air War (EAW)

The main problem with AD is it wont start in W2K and XP because of VESA problems. One hope: I've found that the new VESA support in Glidos works well enough to get the initial splash screen. But that initial screen requires a button to pressed using the mouse, and Glidos's mouse support doesn't kick …

Re: A question about wrappers...

I think implementing OpenGL or D3D on top of Glide might be the easier direction. OpenGL and D3D commands tend to be at the level of "what you want done", whereas Glide is closer to setting up the hardware in a way that gets the job done. An OpenGL to Glide wrapper would be a bit like an OpenGL …

Re: European Air War (EAW)

Yes, as Snover says we have Fabio back on board. All things are possible. He says specifically that he has ideas for speeding things up. If frame rate is the main problems, you might be in luck.

Re: RB3D continued

I've just uploaded another version of OpenGLide. SunGlare (and getting shot) should be okay now without too much of a hit on frame rate. Hey this should be my last bit of lone OpenGliding. I don't know if everybody has twigged, but Stiletto has located OpenGLide's daddy. Suddenly, OpenGLide has a …

Re: Sourceforge...

Great! I think I have three logins now, but I have no idea what two of them are. If I actually start using SourceForge then hopefullly I'll be able to remember the passwords. :) Anyway, the one I've just set up, and for which I'll know the password for at least a week is "glidos". I hope it is …

Re: Sourceforge...

Quick thought: it would be nice to get OpenGlide development back on source forge, and without losing the design history. Fabio, if I register on SourceForge (or manage to remember my old registration) can you add me with admin privleges to the OpenGlide area? If so I'd have thought it would be …

Re: So we get back to the original question.

I want to be able to play the classic games that I enjoy (The TR series are the only ones that I like) in enhanced graphics, a sharp picture, and other things GLIDOS (apparently it has a small i) PROMISES to provide, but I also think games are getting much better these days, and if the entire Tomb …

Re: So we get back to the original question.

I don't respond well to threats Glidos, even if you have the capibity of using a power trip to boot me out! You got me wrong there. I wasn't threatening to boot you out. I was concerned that someone else had booted you out, and I didn't think that was right, because you haven't been abusive or …

Re: Sourceforge...

Glad you are still interested in this. I just want to finish this paletted texture extension stuff for AP88, and I'll upload my CVS repository to the files area here... well, if you want to have a look straight away, I could put up a version now, and give you an update later. Or is it better if I …

Re: What's wrong with the boards?

No, I'm still here Oh okay, I wouldn't have liked to think we were censoring views we didn't agree with. (Not sure why I thought we might be.) Glidos, you're Paul? I thought this was a third party site. Yes I'm Paul. This is a third party site, but it's the best place to get help with Glidos. …

Re: Sourceforge...

Hey, it's Fabio. Magic! It's so nice to get to talk to you at last. I've been wandering around in your code for years now, and always wondered about the guy behind it. My original interest was in getting DOS based Glide games to work (particularly Tomb Raider I), so I was putting all my effort into …

Re: Sentinel Returns

I'm keeping watch. Be interested to see how this goes. I think that's right about OpenGlide being more like voodoo1 than voodoo2. Although with DOS games it is often the voodoo2 version that works because it uses Glide2x.ovl rather than driving the hardware directly. I think Windows games always …

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