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Re: 2 vDos32 issues

I remembered that Redguard was the one Glidos-supported game that uses the Miles sound system. There was special work in VDos32 to support that. I've just looked at the source, and the code for MIDI is just a stub. If Redguard uses MIDI for music then VDos32 has never supported it. Another way some …

Re: 2 vDos32 issues

Annoying! Is there some way you can send a sample of the music? I'm wondering now if I ever made the music work. It's strange that it should work under Dosbox, but not Glidos in Dosbox mode, although Glidos uses an altered version of Dosbox that's now very old.

Re: 2 vDos32 issues

Yes, that's what I meant, but it looks like my advice was wrong. I haven't touched VDos32 for many years now, and I have no 32bit installation to test on. setsound.exe is the one that I'd hope would work. Another possibility is to run setsound.exe and then the game using DosBox - get it working …

Re: 2 vDos32 issues

I'm sorry. I can't at the moment think of anything... uh, one thing I didn't say clearly: you should run the setup program from within VDos32; that way, you are sure to get exactly the Sound Blaster settings required for running under VDos32.

Re: 2 vDos32 issues

Problem 1: Is this high speed running just for a little while and then it goes back to normal? I think I've seen that. If so, I've never found a solution. Problem 2: Is it just the music, or all sound. You may need to run the setup program that comes with the game, so that it can select the sound …

Re: Dreams to Reality Glidos

Are you typing these commands directly into a command prompt? The intended mechanism is to allow Glidos to start the game. You just need to: Select "Dreams to Reality" from the "Glide Server" dialog Click the "Adjust..." button to open the "Game details" dialog Click the "Executable" tab Click the " …

Re: Dreams to Reality Glidos

That looks like the DREAMSFX program is looking for games content on the disk and not finding it. How did you install Dreams to Reality? I can't at the moment find my own installation or the CD, so I can't test here. Hopefully it will turn up.

Re: New version of Glidos out: no unlocking required

Thank you so much, yet again!!! I saw the payments, but didn't immediately recognise it was you, and so worried it might be a mistake and I should try to return the payments. That's really very generous and very much appreciated. As it happens, I'm just considering splurging on a beast. It's great, …

Re: New version of Glidos out: no unlocking required

I donated to you just now by buying 2 Glidos licences via Paypal to thank you for all you've done. Back in 2004 I bought my 1st Glidos license ( was that really almost 20 years ago‽! ) — and was completely floored by how Glidos transformed the mess of pixels on a PC to smooth, quality graphics. …

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