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Re: WWII Fighters Video Distortions under XP

in Windows
OK, I got it working... I had dl'd the newest driver from NVidia, who makes the 5200fx card Dell supplied with the computer. I followed the directions, uninstalled the existing drivers, exited all programs, etc. and installed the Nvidea driver. NVidia calls their driver a "Forceware" universal …

WWII Fighters Video Distortions under XP

in Windows
I know some one here will know what to do! :happy: Game starts fine, intro video is fine, problems start in game flying. I get severe distorted areas, inside the cockpit, and from external view, areas of landscape are zebra stripes distorted bright colors, etc. Sound is fine, fps is good, no other …

Re: SoldOut Soft RedBaron under XP

in Windows
Rens, at SWWISA, just suggested simply making an ISO image of the install disk with Nero (or other) and buning a new disk from the ISO, then running the install from the new copy... what do you think, will that work? We are trying to find the easiest solution for players, many of whom have no tech …

Re: SoldOut Soft RedBaron under XP

in Windows
Slice: Thanks for the hlep. I posted the solution and your reply on two main RedBaron forums at Delphi: Flight Simulator and SWWISA, I also suggested that maybe some program geru could make a short probram that would do this proceedure for players trying to install the game, but that might be asking …

Re: SoldOut Soft RedBaron under XP

in Windows
hmmm... it has to be something to do with the way the game CD installs using winXP, since it installs fine with Win98, ME, etc. Since XP doesn't use dos, maybe it has some dos function bat it uses for the install to set up files?

Re: SoldOut Soft RedBaron under XP

in Windows
Schadenfreude: Unfortunately, I'm not a tech whiz. How would creating an ISO of the cd on the HD, then extracting the files onto the HD from that ISO, and then running the install from the extracted files overcome what ever was preventing the install from the cd under WinXP in the first place? …

SoldOut Soft RedBaron under XP

in Windows
Lots of people who bought RedBaon3d with the UK SoldOut Software label find that it won't install under the XP system. I've heard that some one has found a work around for this, if so, I would like to post it on the On-The-Edge website (rhoag.com) for others with this problem. Thanks,

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