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Re: The PCjr

carlostex wrote: Awesome! Most amazing PCjr i have ever seen. Actually, they get much better. A PCjr with an expansion chassis is pretty cool. With a 2nd and 3rd expansion chassis or a string of 8 sidecars they get borderline ridiculous. 😊

The PCjr

PCjr_rig_small.jpg System specifications: NEC V20 CPU running at 4.77Mhz 736KB RAM (64KB on the motherboard, 64KB on an internal card, and the rest on the jrIDE sidecar) QumeTrak 142 5.25 double density floppy drive Bootable IDE interface (jrIDE sidecar) 20GB Maxtor IDE hard drive (up to 8GB usable …

Re: Which FTP server do you use?

in Milliways
i have noticed on mine, mtcp ftp to my server, when i pull down a file, the bigger it is, ie: > 1 or 2mb, there is a huge huge chance of the transfer hanging and not completing, which is strange. sometimes I can pull down 50mb zips, other times anything over a couple of mb hangs A lot of servers …

PCjr owners: Interested in a jrIDE?

in Milliways
We have not done a batch of these sidecars in a while and I have gotten some random emails from people over the last year about another batch, so now I'd like to try to gauge how much interest there is. If you are interested please send me a PM or an email and I'll add you to a list. For those of …

Re: Anyone use an old linux OS on an old PC?

in Milliways
I agree though DOS would be a better match for an old PC, but then getting TCP/IP working to transfer files can often be a pain, so I wouldn't mind being able to boot Linux so I can use that to maintain the DOS partition! That and having something that properly uses the 286's protected mode would …

Re: A new mTCP is available! (mTCP 2015-07-05)

in Milliways
I'd like to have SSH but I'm not able to spend the time to port or recreate all of the libraries needed to do it. With 32 bit code you can borrow a lot from Linux, but with 16 bit code you basically wind up doing everything yourself. We need more programmers ...

Re: A new mTCP is available! (mTCP 2015-07-05)

in Milliways
Hi guys, and thanks ... I've been trying to get this update pushed out since April but real life and little changes kept getting in the way. I finally found a good block of time to update the web pages and get everything packaged up. I suspect it is getting difficult for people to get too excited …

A new mTCP is available! (mTCP 2015-07-05)

in Milliways
After two very busy years in that place we call "real life" I am happy to announce that a new version of the mTCP TCP/IP programs for DOS is available! Some of the more notable improvements and changes are: Incredible new format for documentation featuring things like boldfacing and italics ... (PDF …

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